45 Green and Renewable Energy Terms [Green Energy] – BT School

Expand your knowledge of the green and renewable energy terms industry with this comprehensive list. Become an expert today!

Welcome to the world of green and renewable energy! In this article, we will explore 100 different terms specifically used in the renewable and green energy industry. As an expert in the field, I will guide you through these terms and provide clear explanations to help you understand the key concepts. Whether you’re a student, an aspiring professional, or simply curious about renewable energy, this comprehensive list will enhance your knowledge and vocabulary in this exciting field.

Renewable and green energy is the future of our planet. It offers sustainable solutions to meet our growing energy needs while reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and minimizing environmental impact. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you will gain a deeper understanding of the technologies, policies, and concepts that drive the renewable and green energy industry.

So, let’s embark on this journey together as we delve into the world of solar energy, wind power, biomass, hydropower, geothermal energy, energy storage, policy and economics, grid integration, energy efficiency, research and development, electric vehicles, sustainability, and climate change mitigation.

Wind Energy

  1. Turbine [ter-bin] A device that converts the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical energy, which is then used to generate electricity.
  2. Wind Farm [wind farm] A collection of wind turbines located in the same area, often operated by a single company or entity, to generate electricity on a larger scale.
  3. Offshore Wind [awf-shawr wind] Wind turbines installed in bodies of water, usually in coastal areas, to harness the stronger and more consistent winds found offshore.

Biomass Energy

  1. Anaerobic Digestion [an-uh-roh-bik di-jes-chuhn] The process of breaking down organic materials, such as agricultural waste or food scraps, in the absence of oxygen to produce biogas, a renewable energy source.
  2. Biofuel [bahy-oh-fyool] A fuel derived from organic matter, such as plants or algae, used as an alternative to fossil fuels in transportation or power generation.
  3. Biomass Power Plant [bahy-oh-mas pou-er plant] A facility that uses organic materials, such as wood pellets or agricultural waste, to produce electricity through direct combustion or other conversion processes.

Hydro Energy

  1. Hydropower [hahy-droh-pou-er] Electricity generated by harnessing the energy of moving water, usually by using turbines in dams or flowing rivers.
  2. Run-of-the-River [ruhn-uhv-thuh-ri-ver] A type of hydropower system that diverts a portion of a river’s flow to produce electricity without the need for a large dam or reservoir.
  3. Tidal Power [tahy-duhl pou-er] The generation of electricity by capturing the energy from the rise and fall of ocean tides using underwater turbines or barrages.

Geothermal Energy

  1. Geothermal Heat Pump [jee-oh-thur-muhl heet pump] A system that uses the stable temperature of the earth to provide heating, cooling, and hot water in residential, commercial, or industrial buildings.
  2. Enhanced Geothermal Systems [en-hanst jee-oh-thur-muhl sis-tuhmz] A technology that involves injecting fluids into deep rock formations to create or improve geothermal reservoirs, allowing for the extraction of heat for electricity generation.
  3. Geothermal Power Plant [jee-oh-thur-muhl pou-er plant] A facility that harnesses the heat from within the Earth to generate electricity, typically by tapping into underground reservoirs of hot water or steam.

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Solar Energy

  1. Photovoltaic [foh-toh-vohl-tey-ik] Solar panels that convert sunlight directly into electricity, commonly used in residential and commercial applications in the renewable energy industry.
  2. Concentrated Solar Power [kahn-suhn-trey-tid soh-ler pou-er] A technology that uses mirrors or lenses to concentrate sunlight onto a receiver, generating heat that can be converted into electricity.
  3. Solar Thermal [soh-ler ther-muhl] The process of using solar energy to heat fluids or air, commonly used for heating water or space in residential, commercial, and industrial settings.

Energy Storage

  1. Lithium-Ion Battery [li-thee-uhm-ahyn bat-uh-ree] A rechargeable battery technology commonly used for energy storage in renewable energy systems, electric vehicles, and consumer electronics.
  2. Pumped Hydro Storage [puhmpd hahy-droh stohr-ij] A method of storing energy by pumping water to a higher reservoir during periods of low demand and releasing it to a lower reservoir through turbines to generate electricity when demand is high.
  3. Flywheel [flahy-weel] A mechanical energy storage system that stores rotational energy in a spinning mass and releases it when needed, providing short-duration power output.

Renewable Energy Terms on Policy and Economics

  1. Feed-in Tariff [feed-in tar-if] A policy mechanism that guarantees a fixed payment rate for renewable energy generators, providing long-term contracts and incentives to encourage investment in renewable energy projects.
  2. Renewable Portfolio Standard [ri-noo-uh-buhl pohrt-foh-lee-oh stand-erd] A policy requiring utilities to obtain a certain percentage of their electricity from renewable sources, promoting the development and deployment of renewable energy projects.
  3. Green Certificates [green ser-tif-i-kits] Tradable certificates representing the environmental attributes of renewable energy generation, allowing companies to meet renewable energy targets and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

Grid Integration

  1. Smart Grid [smahrt grid] An electricity grid that utilizes digital communication and advanced technology to improve the reliability, efficiency, and flexibility of electricity generation, distribution, and consumption, integrating renewable energy sources effectively.
  2. Demand Response [di-mand ri-spons] A program or mechanism that encourages consumers to adjust their electricity usage in response to signals from the grid, helping to balance supply and demand and integrate intermittent renewable energy sources.
  3. Grid Parity [grid par-i-tee] The point at which the cost of electricity from renewable sources is equal to or lower than the cost of electricity from conventional sources, making renewable energy economically competitive.

Energy Efficiency

  1. Energy Audit [en-er-jee aw-dit] A systematic assessment of energy use in a building, facility, or process to identify opportunities for energy efficiency improvements and cost savings.
  2. Energy Management System [en-er-jee man-ij-muhnt sis-tuhm] A software-based system that monitors, controls, and optimizes energy consumption in buildings or industrial facilities, helping to reduce energy waste and improve efficiency.
  3. Energy Star [en-er-jee stahr] A voluntary labeling program established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] to identify and promote energy-efficient products and buildings.

Research and Development

  1. Thin-Film Solar Cells [thin-film soh-ler sels] Solar cells made from thin semiconductor layers that can be deposited on flexible materials, offering potential cost and manufacturing advantages compared to traditional silicon-based solar cells.
  2. Bioenergy Research [bahy-oh-en-er-jee ri-surch] Scientific investigation and development of technologies related to the production, conversion, and utilization of biomass as a renewable energy source.
  3. Advanced Energy Materials [ad-vanst en-er-jee muh-teer-ee-uhls] Materials with unique properties and structures that are being developed and optimized for more efficient and sustainable energy generation and storage systems.

Renewable Energy Terms on Electric Vehicles

  1. Electric Vehicle [i-lek-trik vee-i-kuhl] A vehicle that uses one or more electric motors for propulsion, powered by a rechargeable battery, reducing or eliminating the use of fossil fuels for transportation.
  2. Charging Infrastructure [char-jing in-fruh-struhk-cher] A network of charging stations and equipment that enables electric vehicle owners to recharge their vehicles’ batteries conveniently and efficiently.
  3. Range Anxiety [reynj ang-zahy-i-tee] The fear or concern that an electric vehicle driver may experience due to the perceived limited range or lack of available charging infrastructure, which can be mitigated through increased battery range and expanded charging networks.

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Energy Policy

  1. Carbon Pricing [kar-buhn prahy-sing] A policy approach that puts a price on carbon emissions to create economic incentives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the transition to renewable and low-carbon energy sources.
  2. Net Metering [net meet-er-ing] A billing arrangement that allows customers with renewable energy systems, such as solar panels, to receive credit for excess electricity they generate and feed back into the grid.
  3. Decentralized Energy [dee-sen-truh-lahyzd en-er-jee] A model of energy generation and distribution that emphasizes the use of local, small-scale renewable energy systems and reduces reliance on centralized power plants and long-distance transmission lines.


  1. Circular Economy [suhr-kyuh-ler i-kon-uh-mee] An economic model that aims to minimize waste, maximize resource efficiency, and promote the reuse, recycling, and repurposing of materials, aligning with the principles of renewable and green energy industry.
  2. Life Cycle Assessment [lahyf sahy-kuhl uh-ses-muhnt] An analysis of the environmental impacts of a product, process, or service throughout its entire life cycle, including raw material extraction, production, use, and disposal.
  3. Green Building [green bil-ding] A building design and construction approach that focuses on minimizing resource consumption, reducing environmental impact, and enhancing occupant health and comfort through energy-efficient technologies and sustainable materials.

Climate Change Mitigation

  1. Carbon Capture and Storage [kar-buhn kap-cher and stor-ij] A process that captures carbon dioxide emissions from power plants or industrial sources and stores it underground to prevent its release into the atmosphere, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. Renewable Energy Certificates [ri-noo-uh-buhl en-er-jee ser-tif-i-kits] Market-based instruments that represent the environmental attributes of renewable energy generation and are used to track and trade renewable energy credits.
  3. Low-Carbon Technologies [loh kar-buhn tek-nol-uh-jeez] Technologies that produce energy with lower carbon emissions compared to conventional fossil fuel-based technologies, contributing to climate change mitigation efforts.

Community Engagement

  1. Energy Cooperatives [en-er-jee koh-op-er-uh-tivs] Community-based organizations or associations that enable individuals or groups to collectively own and develop renewable energy projects, fostering local participation and benefiting the community.
  2. Energy Democracy [en-er-jee di-mok-ruh-see] The idea that individuals and communities should have the right to participate in and benefit from decisions regarding energy generation, distribution, and consumption, promoting inclusivity and sustainability.
  3. Green Jobs [green jahbz] Employment opportunities in the renewable and green energy industry, ranging from manufacturing and installation to research and development, contributing to the local economy and the transition to a sustainable future.

Congratulations! You have now expanded your knowledge of the renewable and green energy industry. By exploring these terms, you have gained valuable insights into the various technologies, policies, and concepts that make up this exciting field. Remember, renewable and green energy is not just a buzzword, but a crucial part of our efforts to create a sustainable future.

As you continue to learn and engage with renewable energy, you’ll discover even more fascinating terms and concepts. Stay curious, explore further, and consider the role you can play in advancing renewable energy solutions. By embracing green and renewable energy, we can protect our planet, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and build a more sustainable world for future generations.

Keep the knowledge you’ve gained close to your heart and share it with others. Together, we can make a real difference in the transition towards a greener and more sustainable future.

To send your feedback, suggestions, or requests for including new words in our green and renewable terms dictionary, please comment below or reach out to us on LinkedIn at BusinessTenet.

Definitions and pronunciations are for informational purposes only and may slightly for different contexts or regions.

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