100 Essential Marketing Terms – BT School

Explore 100 marketing and customer relations terms, from digital marketing to CRM, to enhance your business’s marketing strategies and customer engagement.

In the digital age, effective marketing and customer relations are vital for business success. This article delves into a comprehensive range of marketing and customer relations terms, providing insights into key areas such as digital marketing, customer engagement, brand management, market research, customer relationship management (CRM), social media marketing, customer retention, customer satisfaction, and more. From understanding the latest marketing trends to mastering customer-centric strategies, this resource serves as a valuable guide for businesses looking to enhance their marketing efforts and build strong relationships with their customers.

Basic Marketing Terms

Explore fundamental concepts and terminology that form the building blocks of marketing strategies and campaigns, helping businesses effectively reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals.

  1. Advertising [ad-ver-tahy-zing]: The process of promoting a product, service, or brand through various media channels to reach and persuade potential customers.
  2. Branding [brand-ing]: The practice of creating a unique identity, including name, logo, and messaging, to differentiate a product or company from competitors.
  3. Competitive Analysis [kuhm-pet-i-tiv uh-nal-uh-sis]: The evaluation of competitors’ strategies, strengths, and weaknesses to identify opportunities and threats in the market.
  4. Content Marketing [kon-tent mahr-ki-ting]: Creating and sharing valuable and relevant content to attract and engage a target audience, with the aim of building brand awareness and customer loyalty.
  5. Conversion Rate [kuhn-vur-zhun reyt]: The percentage of website or campaign visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.
  6. Customer Acquisition [kuhs-tuh-mer ak-wuh-zish-uhn]: The process of gaining new customers through marketing efforts and strategies.
  7. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) [kuhs-tuh-mer lahyf-tahym val-yoo]: The predicted net profit a customer will generate throughout their relationship with a business, taking into account their purchasing behavior and loyalty.
  8. Digital Marketing [dij-i-tl mahr-ki-ting]: The use of digital channels, such as websites, social media, and email, to promote products or services and reach a target audience.
  9. Market Research [mahr-kit ri-surch]: The systematic gathering and analysis of data about a specific market, including customer preferences, trends, and competition, to make informed business decisions.
  10. Marketing Funnel [mahr-ki-ting fuhn-l]: The customer journey from initial awareness to making a purchase, typically represented as a funnel-shaped model with different stages: awareness, interest, decision, and action.
  11. Marketing Mix [mahr-ki-ting miks]: The combination of marketing tactics, known as the “Four Ps”: product, price, place, and promotion, that a company uses to achieve its marketing objectives.
  12. Marketing Strategy [mahr-ki-ting strat-i-jee]: A long-term plan outlining the goals and approaches for promoting a product or service, considering target audience, competition, and market conditions.
  13. Market Segmentation [mahr-kit seg-muhn-tey-shuhn]: The process of dividing a broad market into smaller, homogeneous groups based on shared characteristics, such as demographics, behaviors, or preferences.
  14. Public Relations [puhb-lik ri-ley-shuhnz]: The practice of managing the spread of information between a company or organization and its target audience, aiming to build positive relationships and reputation.
  15. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) [surch en-juhn op-tuh-muh-zey-shuhn]: The process of improving a website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results, increasing organic traffic and attracting potential customers.
  16. Social Media Marketing [soh-shuhl mee-dee-uh mahr-ki-ting]: The use of social media platforms to promote products or services, engage with customers, and build brand awareness.
  17. Target Audience [tahr-git aw-dee-uhns]: The specific group of people who are most likely to be interested in and benefit from a company’s products or services.

Marketing Terms related to Customer Relations

Discover essential terms related to building and managing strong relationships with customers, including effective communication, personalized experiences, and exceptional customer service.

  1. After-Sales Service [af-ter-seylz sur-vis]: Support and assistance provided to customers after a purchase, such as troubleshooting, repairs, or product training.
  2. Churn Rate [churn reyt]: The rate at which customers stop using or subscribing to a service, indicating customer attrition or dissatisfaction.
  3. Complaint Handling [kuhm-pleynt han-dl-ing]: The process of addressing and resolving customer complaints and issues to ensure customer satisfaction and retention.
  4. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) [kuhs-tuh-mer ri-ley-shuhn-ship man-ij-muhnt]: A system or strategy that manages and analyzes customer interactions and data to improve relationships, sales, and customer service.
  5. Cross-Selling [kraws-sel-ing]: Offering additional or complementary products or services to a customer during or after a purchase to increase revenue and customer value.
  6. Customer Engagement [kuhs-tuh-mer in-gayj-muhnt]: The level of interaction, involvement, and emotional connection that customers have with a brand or company.
  7. Customer Experience [kuhs-tuh-mer ik-speer-ee-uhns]: The overall impression and perception a customer has during their interactions with a company, including pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase stages.
  8. Customer Journey [kuhs-tuh-mer jur-nee]: The complete sum of experiences and interactions a customer has with a company, from initial contact to the end of the relationship.
  9. Customer Loyalty [kuhs-tuh-mer loy-uhl-tee]: The degree of commitment and repeat business a customer demonstrates toward a particular brand or company.
  10. Customer Retention [kuhs-tuh-mer ri-ten-shuhn]: The ability of a company to keep its existing customers over a specified period, typically through effective relationship management and customer satisfaction.
  11. Customer Satisfaction [kuhs-tuh-mer sat-is-fak-shuhn]: The measure of how well a product or service meets or exceeds customer expectations and requirements.
  12. Customer Segmentation [kuhs-tuh-mer seg-muhn-tey-shuhn]: The process of dividing customers into distinct groups based on their characteristics, behaviors, or needs to tailor marketing and customer service efforts.
  13. Customer Support [kuhs-tuh-mer suh-pawrt]: Assistance and guidance provided to customers before, during, and after a purchase to address inquiries, concerns, or technical issues.
  14. Loyalty Program [loy-uhl-tee proh-gram]: A structured marketing effort that rewards customers for their repeat business and loyalty, typically through points, discounts, or exclusive perks.
  15. Net Promoter Score (NPS) [net proh-moh-ter skohr]: A metric used to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction by asking customers how likely they are to recommend a company or product on a scale of 0-10.
  16. Upselling [uhp-sel-ing]: Encouraging customers to purchase a more expensive or advanced version of a product or service, thereby increasing the average transaction value.


Key terms and techniques used in the sales process, from prospecting and lead generation to closing deals and fostering long-term customer relationships.

  1. Closing [kloh-zing]: The final stage of a sales process, where a salesperson obtains a commitment or agreement from a prospect to make a purchase.
  2. Cold Calling [kohld kaw-ling]: Making unsolicited calls to potential customers who have had no prior contact with the salesperson or company, with the aim of generating sales leads or appointments.
  3. Consultative Selling [kuhn-suhl-tuh-tiv sel-ing]: An approach to selling that involves understanding customer needs, providing expert advice, and offering tailored solutions to build trust and long-term relationships.
  4. Lead Generation [leed jen-uh-rey-shuhn]: The process of identifying and attracting potential customers, known as leads, through various marketing and sales activities.
  5. Objection Handling [uhb-jek-shuhn han-dl-ing]: Addressing and overcoming customer concerns or objections during a sales conversation to secure a purchase.
  6. Pipeline [pahyp-lahyn]: The visual representation of sales prospects at different stages of the sales process, from initial contact to closing, indicating the health and potential revenue of the sales funnel.
  7. Prospecting [pros-pek-ting]: The process of identifying and qualifying potential customers or leads who are likely to be interested in a company’s products or services.
  8. Sales Funnel [seylz fuhn-l]: The visual representation of the customer journey through the sales process, consisting of different stages such as prospecting, qualifying, presenting, closing, and follow-up.
  9. Sales Forecasting [seylz fawr-kast-ing]: Estimating future sales volumes and revenues based on historical data, market trends, and sales strategies.
  10. Sales Quota [seylz kwoh-tuh]: A predetermined sales target or goal assigned to a salesperson or team for a specific period, often used to motivate and evaluate performance.
  11. Solution Selling [suh-loo-shuhn sel-ing]: A sales approach focused on understanding customer pain points and providing customized solutions that address their specific needs and challenges.
  12. Value Proposition [val-yoo prop-uh-zish-uhn]: The unique combination of benefits and value that a product or service offers to customers, differentiating it from competitors in the market.

Customer Communication

Explore terms related to effective communication with customers, both online and offline, to establish rapport, address inquiries, and provide exceptional support.

  1. Call to Action (CTA) [kawl too ak-shuhn]: A statement or instruction that encourages or prompts the customer to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter.
  2. Email Marketing [ee-meyl mahr-ki-ting]: The practice of sending targeted, personalized emails to a group of individuals to promote products, nurture leads, and build customer relationships.
  3. Live Chat [lahyv chat]: A real-time online communication tool that allows customers to interact with a company representative or support agent to get immediate assistance or information.
  4. Marketing Automation [mahr-ki-ting aw-toh-mey-shuhn]: The use of software and technology to automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as email campaigns, social media posting, and lead nurturing.
  5. Social Listening [soh-shuhl lis-ning]: Monitoring and analyzing social media platforms and online conversations to gain insights into customer opinions, sentiments, and trends, which can inform marketing and customer service strategies.
  6. Surveys [ser-veys]: Structured questionnaires or feedback forms designed to collect customer opinions, preferences, and satisfaction levels, providing valuable insights for business improvement.

Promotional Tactics

Gain vocab for tactics used to promote products and services, such as advertising, sales promotions, public relations, and social media marketing.

  1. Affiliate Marketing [uh-fil-ee-eyt mahr-ki-ting]: A performance-based marketing model where individuals or businesses (affiliates) earn a commission for promoting another company’s products or services and driving sales.
  2. Coupons [koo-pons]: Printed or digital vouchers that offer discounts or special offers to customers, encouraging them to make a purchase or visit a store.
  3. Influencer Marketing [in-floo-en-ser mahr-ki-ting]: A strategy that involves partnering with influential individuals or online personalities to promote products or services to their audience, leveraging their credibility and reach.
  4. Loyalty Rewards [loy-uhl-tee ri-wawrds]: Incentives, such as points, discounts, or exclusive benefits, given to loyal customers as a reward for their continued business.
  5. Promotional Events [proh-moh-shuhn-ul ih-vents]: Organized activities, such as product launches, trade shows, or sponsorship of community events, aimed at promoting a product or brand and generating customer interest.
  6. Referral Program [ri-fur-uhl proh-gram]: A structured approach that incentivizes existing customers to refer new customers to a business, often rewarded with discounts, credits, or other benefits.
  7. Sales Promotion [seylz proh-moh-shuhn]: Short-term incentives or activities, such as discounts, giveaways, or contests, designed to stimulate immediate sales or customer action.

Digital Marketing Channels

Dive into the dictionary of digital marketing, including terms related to social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and online advertising.

  1. Affiliate Network [uh-fil-ee-eyt net-wurk]: An intermediary platform that connects companies (merchants) with affiliates, facilitating affiliate marketing partnerships and tracking commissions.
  2. Blogging [blaw-ging]: The practice of writing and publishing articles, often on a company’s website or external platforms, to inform, educate, and engage a target audience.
  3. Display Advertising [di-spley ad-ver-tahy-zing]: The placement of visual ads, such as banners or rich media content, on websites or social media platforms to increase brand visibility and attract potential customers.
  4. Email Automation [ee-meyl aw-toh-mey-shuhn]: The use of software to automate and personalize email campaigns, delivering targeted messages based on customer behavior, preferences, or segmentation.
  5. Influencer Collaboration [in-floo-en-ser kuh-lab-uh-rey-shuhn]: Partnering with influencers or content creators to co-create content, endorse products, or engage with their audience, leveraging their expertise and following.
  6. Landing Page [lan-ding peyj]: A standalone web page designed for a specific marketing campaign or offer, with the goal of capturing visitor information or driving conversions.
  7. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) [pey-pur-klik]: An advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked, commonly used in search engine advertising or display ad networks.
  8. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) [surch en-juhn mahr-ki-ting]: The practice of promoting a website or web pages by increasing visibility in search engine results through paid advertising (PPC) and search engine optimization (SEO) techniques.
  9. Social Media Advertising [soh-shuhl mee-dee-uh ad-ver-tahy-zing]: The use of paid ads or sponsored content on social media platforms to target specific audiences, increase brand awareness, and drive engagement or conversions.
  10. Video Marketing [vid-ee-oh mahr-ki-ting]: Creating and promoting video content, such as ads, tutorials, or testimonials, to capture audience attention, deliver messages, and build brand affinity.

Analytics and Measurement

Understand the key terms and concepts related to data analytics and measurement in marketing, enabling businesses to track performance, optimize campaigns, and make data-driven decisions.

  1. A/B Testing [ey-bee testing]: Comparing two versions (A and B) of a webpage, email, or ad to determine which performs better and yields higher conversions, providing data-driven insights for optimization.
  2. Click-Through Rate (CTR) [klik-throo reyt]: The percentage of users who click on a specific link or ad, typically calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions or views.
  3. Conversion Funnel [kuhn-vur-zhuhn fuhn-l]: The path or series of steps that a customer goes through before converting (e.g., making a purchase, filling out a form), often visualized as a funnel to analyze and optimize conversion rates at each stage.
  4. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) [kee per-for-muhns in-di-key-ters]: Quantifiable metrics used to measure and evaluate the success of marketing campaigns or business objectives, such as sales revenue, customer acquisition cost, or website traffic.
  5. Return on Investment (ROI) [ri-turn on in-vest-muhnt]: The measure of the profitability or effectiveness of an investment, calculated by dividing the net profit by the investment cost and expressed as a percentage or ratio.
  6. Social Media Analytics [soh-shuhl mee-dee-uh uh-nal-uh-tiks]: The practice of tracking, analyzing, and interpreting data from social media platforms to understand audience behavior, engagement, and campaign performance.
  7. Web Analytics [web uh-nal-uh-tiks]: The collection, measurement, and analysis of website data to understand visitor behavior, traffic sources, and website performance, aiding in optimizing user experience and conversion rates.

Content Marketing

Explore terms related to creating and distributing valuable and relevant content to attract and engage target audiences, building brand awareness and driving customer action.

  1. Content Marketing [kon-tent mahr-ki-ting]: A strategic approach to creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience, with the ultimate goal of driving profitable customer action.
  2. Evergreen Content [ev-er-green kon-tent]: Timeless content that remains relevant and valuable to readers over an extended period, providing ongoing traffic, engagement, and brand visibility.
  3. Infographic [in-fuh-graf-ik]: A visual representation of information or data, often using graphics, charts, and minimal text, designed to present complex concepts or statistics in a concise and engaging manner.
  4. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) [es-ee-oh]: The practice of optimizing website content, structure, and other factors to improve visibility and ranking in organic search engine results, thereby driving relevant traffic to a website.

Branding and Positioning

Discover terms related to developing a strong brand identity, effectively positioning products or services in the market, and creating a unique competitive advantage.

  1. Brand Equity [brand ek-wi-tee]: The intangible value and perception associated with a brand, including customer loyalty, brand awareness, and perceived quality, which can positively impact business performance.
  2. Brand Identity [brand eye-den-ti-tee]: The visual and verbal elements, such as logo, colors, fonts, and messaging, that distinguish a brand and convey its personality, values, and essence to the target audience.
  3. Brand Positioning [brand puh-zish-uh-ning]: The deliberate efforts and strategies to establish a unique and desirable position for a brand in the minds of the target market, differentiating it from competitors.
  4. Competitive Analysis [kuhm-pet-i-tiv uh-nal-uh-sis]: The process of identifying and evaluating competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, strategies, and market positioning to gain insights and develop effective business strategies.

Market Research

Learn key terms and methodologies used in market research to gather insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and competitors, guiding businesses in making informed decisions.

  1. Focus Group [foh-kuhs groop]: A small group of individuals who participate in a structured discussion led by a moderator to gather qualitative insights, opinions, and perceptions about a product, service, or concept.
  2. Market Segmentation [mahr-kit seg-muhn-tey-shuhn]: The division of a market into distinct groups of consumers with similar characteristics, needs, or behaviors, enabling targeted marketing efforts and customization.
  3. Primary Research [pry-muh-ree ri-surch]: The firsthand collection of data directly from the target market through surveys, interviews, observations, or experiments, to gather specific and relevant information for a particular research objective.
  4. Secondary Research [sek-uhn-der-ee ri-surch]: The utilization of existing data and information from various sources, such as reports, articles, and databases, to gain insights and support research objectives without conducting new data collection.

Public Relations Terms

Explore terms related to managing public perception, building and maintaining a positive reputation, and effectively engaging with the media and other stakeholders.

  1. Crisis Management [krahy-sis man-ij-muhnt]: The strategic handling of an unexpected event or situation that poses a significant threat to a company’s reputation, employing communication and mitigation strategies to minimize damage and restore trust.
  2. Media Relations [mee-dee-uh ri-ley-shuhns]: The management of relationships and interactions with journalists and media outlets to secure media coverage, manage reputation, and disseminate key messages.
  3. Press Release [pres ri-lease]: A written communication distributed to the media, announcing significant news or updates about a company, product, or event, with the aim of generating media coverage and public awareness.

Influencer Marketing

  1. Brand Ambassador [brand am-bas-uh-der]: An individual, often a public figure or social media influencer, who represents and promotes a brand, embodying its values, endorsing products, and engaging with their audience on behalf of the brand.
  2. Micro-Influencer [mahy-kroh in-floo-en-ser]: An influencer with a smaller but highly engaged and niche audience, typically focusing on a specific interest or topic, allowing for targeted and authentic brand collaborations.
  3. Sponsored Content [spon-serd kon-tent]: Content, such as social media posts, videos, or blog articles, created by influencers or content creators in partnership with a brand, where the brand pays for the promotion or endorsement.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Discover terms related to CRM systems and strategies that help businesses manage and nurture customer relationships, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive business growth.

  1. Churn Rate [churn reyt]: The rate at which customers discontinue or cancel their relationship with a company or product, often expressed as a percentage, indicating customer retention and loyalty levels.
  2. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) [kuhs-tuh-mer lahyf-tahym val-yoo]: The predicted net profit a business can expect to generate from a customer over their entire relationship with the company, considering factors such as purchase frequency, average order value, and customer longevity.
  3. Personalization [pur-suh-nl-uh-zey-shuhn]: Tailoring marketing messages, offers, and experiences to individual customers based on their preferences, behavior, demographics, or past interactions, aiming to enhance customer satisfaction and engagement.
  4. Upselling [uhp-sel-ing]: The practice of offering customers a higher-priced or upgraded version of a product or service, or additional related products, to increase the average transaction value and maximize revenue per customer.

Experiential Marketing

Gain insights into terms related to creating immersive and memorable experiences for customers, fostering brand engagement, and building lasting connections.

  1. Brand Activation [brand ak-ti-vey-shuhn]: A marketing strategy that aims to engage consumers and create memorable experiences through live events, interactive installations, or immersive brand experiences, fostering brand awareness and emotional connections.
  2. Gamification [gey-muh-fi-key-shuhn]: Incorporating game elements, mechanics, or design principles into non-game contexts, such as marketing campaigns or loyalty programs, to engage and motivate customers, encouraging participation and rewarding behaviors.
  3. User-generated Content (UGC) [yoo-zer juh-ner-ey-tid kon-tent]: Content created and shared by customers or users of a brand, often in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts, or user-submitted content, which can amplify brand reach, authenticity, and social proof.

Definitions and pronunciations are for informational purposes only and may vary slightly for different contexts or regions.

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