Unlock the secrets of the civil aviation industry with this authoritative guide to 150+ essential aviation terms. From air traffic control to aircraft performance, become an aviation expert in no time.
The aviation industry is a complex and dynamic field, filled with its own unique terminology. Whether you dream of soaring through the skies or are simply curious about how planes operate, understanding these terms is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we will demystify 150 key terms used in the civil aviation industry, providing you with a solid foundation of knowledge.
Here we will explore the diverse aspects of aviation, including air traffic control, aviation weather, navigation, regulations, insurance, personnel, safety, aircraft systems, airline operations, technology, marketing, communication, maintenance, training, and more. Each term will be accompanied by a concise, easy-to-understand definition, ensuring that you grasp the meaning and significance of each concept.
Whether you are an aspiring pilot, an aviation enthusiast, or simply interested in learning more about how the aviation world operates, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to navigate through the jargon and understand the intricate workings of civil aviation. So fasten your seatbelt, prepare for takeoff.
Air Traffic Control (ATC)
- Altitude [al-ti-tood] – The vertical distance of an aircraft above sea level, measured in feet or flight levels.
- Clearance [klear-uhns] – Authorization given by air traffic control for an aircraft to proceed under specific conditions.
- Holding Pattern [hohld-ing pat-ern] – A predetermined flight path that keeps aircraft within a designated area while waiting for further instructions from air traffic control.
Aircraft Components
- Aileron [ey-luh-ron] – A hinged control surface on the trailing edge of an aircraft wing that controls roll or bank movements.
- Flap [flap] – A movable surface on the trailing edge of an aircraft wing that increases lift during takeoff and landing.
- Fuselage [fyoo-zuh-lij] – The main body of an aircraft that houses the crew, passengers, and cargo.
- Apron [ey-pron] – The area of an airport where aircraft are parked, loaded, and unloaded.
- Runway [ruhn-wey] – A defined surface on an airport used for aircraft takeoff and landing.
- Taxiway [tak-see-wey] – A designated path on an airport for aircraft to taxi between the runway and terminal areas.
Aviation Weather
- Ceiling [see-ling] – The height above ground level at which cloud cover obscures a significant portion of the sky.
- Wind Shear [wind sheer] – A sudden change in wind direction or speed over a short distance, which can pose a hazard to aircraft during takeoff or landing.
- Visibility [vi-zuh-bil-i-tee] – The distance at which objects can be seen and identified in the atmosphere.
- Wind Shear [wind shear] – A sudden change in wind speed or direction that can pose a hazard to aircraft during takeoff or landing.
- Meteorological Satellite [mee-tee-uh-roh-loj-i-kuhl sat-l-ahyt] – An orbiting satellite that provides meteorological data, including cloud cover, temperature, and precipitation.
- Ceilometer [see-lom-i-ter] – An instrument used to measure the height of cloud layers above the ground.
Flight Instruments
- Altimeter [al-tuh-mee-ter] – An instrument that measures an aircraft’s altitude above a reference point.
- Attitude Indicator [at-i-tood in-di-key-ter] – A flight instrument that shows an aircraft’s pitch and roll attitude relative to the horizon.
- Heading Indicator [hed-ing in-di-key-ter] – A compass-like instrument that displays the aircraft’s heading or direction.
Aviation Terms on Navigation
- GPS [jee-pee-es] – Global Positioning System, a satellite-based navigation system that provides precise location information for aircraft.
- VOR [vee-oh-ar] – VHF Omnidirectional Range, a ground-based navigation aid that provides aircraft with a radial to follow.
- Waypoint [way-point] – A predetermined geographic location used in navigation as a reference point for aircraft routing.
Aircraft Performance
- Glide Ratio [glyd ray-shee-oh] – The ratio of horizontal distance traveled to vertical distance descended during a glide.
- Takeoff Run [teyk-off ruhn] – The distance required for an aircraft to accelerate and become airborne after initiating takeoff.
- Thrust [thruhst] – The force produced by an aircraft’s engines that propels it forward.
- Takeoff Distance [teyk-awf dis-tuhns] – The length of runway required for an aircraft to accelerate and become airborne.
- Climb Rate [klahym reyt] – The rate at which an aircraft can gain altitude during the climb phase after takeoff.
- Maximum Landing Weight [mak-suh-muhm lan-ding weyt] – The maximum weight allowed for an aircraft during landing.
Aircraft Operations
- Approach [uh-prohch] – The path and maneuvers taken by an aircraft when transitioning from en route flight to landing.
- Holding [hohld-ing] – A procedure used by aircraft to maintain their position in a designated airspace while awaiting clearance to proceed.
- Taxi [tak-see] – The movement of an aircraft on the ground under its own power.
Aircraft Types
- Helicopter [hel-i-kop-ter] – A type of aircraft that uses rotating blades to generate lift and propulsion.
- Jetliner [jet-lahy-ner] – A large passenger aircraft powered by jet engines, typically used for long-haul flights.
- Turboprop [tur-boh-prop] – An aircraft with a gas turbine engine that drives a propeller.
- Commercial Airliner [kuh-mur-shuhl eyr-lahy-ner] – A large aircraft designed to transport passengers or cargo for commercial purposes, typically operated by airlines.
- Regional Jet [ree-joh-nuhl jet] – A smaller jet aircraft used for regional flights, offering shorter range and passenger capacity compared to larger commercial airliners.
- Business Jet [biz-nis jet] – A private jet designed for corporate or executive travel, offering luxurious amenities and tailored services.
- Very Light Jet (VLJ) [ver-ee lahyt jet] – A small-sized business jet designed for short-haul flights, often used by private individuals and small businesses.
- Narrow-Body Aircraft [nar-oh bod-ee eyr-kraft] – An aircraft with a single aisle and typically seating passengers in a 3-3 configuration, suitable for short to medium-haul flights.
- Single-Aisle Aircraft [sing-guhl-eyl eyr-kraft] – Another term referring to narrow-body aircraft with a single aisle for passenger movement.
- Wide-Body Aircraft [wahyd-bod-ee eyr-kraft] – An aircraft with a wider fuselage allowing for multiple aisles and larger passenger capacity, used for long-haul flights.
- Jumbo Jet [juhm-boh jet] – A colloquial term used to describe large wide-body aircraft like the Boeing 747, known for their significant passenger capacity.
- Regional Turboprop [ree-joh-nuhl tur-boh-prop] – A turboprop aircraft specifically designed for regional operations, offering fuel efficiency, versatility, and the ability to operate from shorter runways.
- Airbus A320 [air-bus ey-three-twenty] – A popular narrow-body aircraft known for its efficiency, advanced technology, and ability to carry passengers on short to medium-haul flights.
- Boeing 747 [boh-ing seven-forty-seven] – An iconic wide-body aircraft often referred to as the “Queen of the Skies,” known for its long-range capabilities and spacious interior.
- Embraer E175 [em-brair ee-one-seventy-five] – A popular regional jet known for its comfortable cabin, efficiency, and range, offering a reliable option for short to medium-haul journeys.
Aviation Terms on Flight Phases
- Climb [klahym] – The phase of flight during which an aircraft ascends to a higher altitude.
- Descent [dih-sent] – The phase of flight during which an aircraft descends from a higher altitude to a lower one.
- Cruise [krooz] – The phase of flight during which an aircraft maintains a steady altitude and speed.
Airline Operations
- Boarding [bor-ding] – The process of passengers entering an aircraft before departure.
- Deboarding [dee-bor-ding] – The process of passengers leaving an aircraft after landing.
- Gate [geyt] – A designated area at an airport where passengers board or disembark from an aircraft.
- Ground Handling [ground han-dling] – The services provided to an aircraft on the ground, including fueling, baggage handling, and aircraft servicing.
- Dispatch Center [dis-pach sen-ter] – A centralized facility where flight dispatchers monitor and coordinate the movement of aircraft.
- Slot Allocation [slot al-loh-key-shuhn] – The process of assigning arrival and departure slots to airlines at congested airports to manage traffic flow.
Flight Rules & Planning
- Visual Flight Rules (VFR) [vizh-oo-uhl flahyt roolz] – Regulations that govern the procedures for conducting flight by visual reference to the ground.
- Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) [in-struh-muhnt flahyt roolz] – Regulations that govern the procedures for conducting flight solely by reference to instruments.
- Minimum Equipment List (MEL) [min-uh-muhm ih-kwip-muhnt list] – A list of equipment that an aircraft is allowed to operate with while undergoing repairs.
- Fuel Burn [fyool burn] – The rate at which an aircraft consumes fuel, usually expressed in gallons or liters per hour.
- Navigation Log [nav-i-gey-shuhn lawg] – A document that outlines the planned route, estimated times, and fuel consumption for a flight.
- NOTAMs [noh-tams] – Notices to Airmen that contain important information regarding the state of airports, airspace restrictions, or other flight safety matters.
Airline Terminology
- Hub [huhb] – A central airport or location where an airline operates a significant number of flights and connects passengers to various destinations.
- Codeshare [kohd-shair] – An agreement between two or more airlines to market and operate a flight under their own airline codes.
- Yield Management [yeeld man-ij-muhnt] – The practice of adjusting ticket prices to maximize revenue based on demand and supply.
- Frequent Flyer Program [free-kwuhnt flahy-er proh-gram] – A loyalty program offered by airlines to reward frequent travelers with perks, upgrades, and miles.
- Airline Codeshare [air-lahyn kohd-shair] – An agreement between two or more airlines to share the same flight under their respective flight numbers.
- Route Network [root net-wurk] – The collection of routes served by an airline, connecting various destinations in its network.
Flight Crew Roles
- Captain [kap-tn] – The pilot in command of an aircraft who is responsible for its overall operation and safety.
- First Officer [fur-st aw-fi-ser] – The pilot who assists the captain in operating the aircraft and shares responsibility for its safe operation.
- Flight Attendant [flahyt uh-ten-dnt] – A crew member responsible for passenger safety and comfort during a flight.
Flight Procedures
- Pre-flight [pree-flahyt] – The series of checks and preparations carried out by pilots and ground crew before a flight.
- Before Takeoff Checklist [buh-fohr teyk-off chek-list] – A list of items that pilots must review and verify before initiating takeoff.
- Emergency Evacuation [ih-mur-juhn-see ih-vak-yoo-ey-shuhn] – The process of rapidly evacuating passengers and crew from an aircraft during an emergency.
Flight Training
- Solo [soh-loh] – The phase of flight training when a student pilot flies an aircraft alone, without an instructor on board.
- Crosswind Landing [kraws-wind lan-ding] – A landing maneuver performed in the presence of a strong perpendicular wind.
- Simulator [sim-yuh-ley-ter] – A device used for flight training that replicates the functions and controls of an aircraft.
- Lift [lift] – The force that opposes gravity and allows an aircraft to stay airborne.
- Drag [drag] – The resistance encountered by an aircraft as it moves through the air, acting in the opposite direction of motion.
- Stall [stawl] – A condition in which an aircraft exceeds its critical angle of attack, resulting in a loss of lift.
Aviation Terms on Aircraft Maintenance
- Airframe [air-freym] – The structural components of an aircraft, including the fuselage, wings, and tail assembly.
- Engine Overhaul [en-jin oh-ver-hawl] – The process of disassembling, inspecting, repairing, and reassembling an aircraft engine to ensure its proper functioning.
- Line Maintenance [lahyn meyn-tuh-nuhns] – Routine maintenance tasks performed on an aircraft between flights to ensure its airworthiness.
- Airworthiness Directive (AD) [air-wurth-ee-ness di-rek-tiv] – A regulatory requirement issued by an aviation authority that mandates specific inspections, repairs, or modifications to aircraft or components.
- Maintenance Logbook [meyn-tuh-nuhns log-book] – A record that documents the maintenance history of an aircraft, including inspections, repairs, and component replacements.
- Line Maintenance [lahyn meyn-tuh-nuhns] – Routine maintenance tasks performed on an aircraft between flights to ensure its continued airworthiness.
Aviation Security
- TSA [tee-es-ey] – Transportation Security Administration, the agency responsible for security at U.S. airports and screening passengers, baggage, and cargo.
- Security Screening [si-kyoor-i-tee skreen-ing] – The process of inspecting passengers, their belongings, and cargo to identify and prevent prohibited items from entering an aircraft.
- Access Control [ak-ses kuh n-trohl] – Measures implemented to restrict and control access to secure areas of an airport.
- 157. TSA [tee-ess-ey] – Transportation Security Administration, an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security responsible for ensuring the security of the aviation system.
- Security Screening [si-kyoor-i-tee skreen-ing] – The process of inspecting passengers and their belongings for prohibited items before they board an aircraft.
- Air Marshal [air mahr-shuhl] – A law enforcement officer who travels undercover on commercial flights to provide security and respond to threats.
Airline Alliances
- Star Alliance [stahr uh-lahy-uhns] – The world’s largest airline alliance, consisting of multiple airlines cooperating to provide a seamless travel experience.
- Oneworld [wuhn-wurld] – An airline alliance that brings together several major international airlines to provide enhanced services and connectivity.
- SkyTeam [skahy-teem] – A global airline alliance that offers passengers a wider network and seamless travel options through its member airlines.
Cabin Terminology
- Galley [gal-ee] – The area of an aircraft where food and beverages are prepared and served to passengers.
- Lavatory [lav-uh-tawr-ee] – The restroom facilities available to passengers and crew on an aircraft.
- In-flight Entertainment (IFE) [in-flahyt in-tur-teyn-muhnt] – Audio and visual entertainment options provided to passengers during a flight.
Airline Revenue & Economics
- Load Factor [lohd fak-ter] – The percentage of available seats on an aircraft that are filled with revenue-paying passengers.
- Ancillary Revenue [an-suh-ler-ee rev-uh-noo] – Revenue generated by airlines from non-ticket sources, such as baggage fees or onboard sales.
- Yield [yeeld] – The average fare paid by a passenger for a specific flight or route.
- Load Factor [lohd fak-ter] – The percentage of seats filled with revenue passengers on a particular flight or route.
- Yield Management [yeeld man-ij-muhnt] – The practice of optimizing revenue by adjusting ticket prices based on demand and market conditions.
- Cost per Available Seat Mile (CASM) [kawst per uh-vey-luh-buhl seet mahyl] – A measure of an airline’s operating costs per seat-mile flown, often used to evaluate efficiency.
Aviation Acronyms
- ILS [ahy-el-es] – Instrument Landing System, a ground-based navigational aid that provides precise guidance to aircraft during the approach and landing phases.
- APU [ey-pee-yoo] – Auxiliary Power Unit, a self-contained generator used to provide electrical power to an aircraft when the engines are not running.
- FAA [ef-ey-ey] – Federal Aviation Administration, the regulatory body overseeing civil aviation activities in the United States.
Aviation Training & Organizations
- Flight School [flahyt skool] – An institution where individuals receive the necessary training to become pilots.
- Type Rating [tahyp rey-ting] – A certification that allows pilots to operate a specific aircraft type after completing specialized training and passing a proficiency check.
- Simulator Training [sim-yuh-ley-ter trey-ning] – Practical training conducted in a flight simulator to simulate real-life flight scenarios and emergencies.
- 175. Flight Simulator [flahyt sim-yuh-ley-ter] – A device that replicates the experience of flying an aircraft and is used for pilot training and proficiency checks.
- Type Rating [tahyp rey-ting] – A certification required for pilots to operate a specific type or model of aircraft.
- Training Captain [trey-ning kap-tn] – An experienced pilot responsible for training and evaluating other pilots within an airline.
Aviation Maintenance Organizations
- MRO [em-ahr-oh] – Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul, referring to organizations specialized in aircraft maintenance and repair services.
- Avionics [ey-vee-on-iks] – The electronic systems and equipment used in aircraft, including navigation, communication, and monitoring systems.
- Component Overhaul [kuh m-po-nuhnt oh-ver-hawl] – The process of disassembling, inspecting, repairing, and reassembling aircraft components, such as landing gears or engines.
Aviation Documentation
- Flight Plan [flahyt plan] – A document filed by pilots with air traffic control that details the proposed route, altitude, and other flight-related information.
- Certificate of Registration [sur-tif-i-kit uhv rej-uh-strey-shuhn] – A legal document issued by an aviation authority that confirms an aircraft’s ownership and registration details.
- Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC) [air op-uh-rey-terz sur-tif-i-kit] – A document issued to an airline by a regulatory authority, allowing it to operate commercial air services.
Airline Catering
- Catering Trolley [ka-ter-ing traw-lee] – A movable cart used to transport and serve food and beverages to passengers on an aircraft.
- In-flight Meal [in-flahyt meel] – A prepared meal served to passengers during a flight, often customizable based on dietary preferences.
- Menu Planning [men-yoo plan-ing] – The process of designing and selecting the meals and beverages that will be served to passengers on board.
Aviation Emergency Procedures
- Emergency Exit [ih-mur-juhn-see ek-sit] – A designated exit on an aircraft specifically intended for use in emergencies.
- Brace Position [breys puh-zish-uhn] – A body posture that passengers adopt during an emergency landing or crash to minimize injuries.
- Emergency Locator Beacon (ELB) [ih-mur-juhn-see loh-key-ter bee-kuhn] – A device that emits a distress signal to facilitate the location and rescue of an aircraft in distress.
Aviation Communication Systems
- ACARS [ey-kahrz] – Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System, a digital datalink system used for communication between aircraft and ground stations.
- VHF [vee-eych-ef] – Very High Frequency, a band of radio frequencies commonly used for aviation communication.
- Transponder [tran-spawn-der] – An electronic device in an aircraft that transmits identification and other information to air traffic control radar systems.
- Unicom [yoo-ni-kom] – A non-towered airport communication frequency used for pilot-to-pilot and pilot-to-ground communications.
- Air Traffic Clearance [air traf-ik klar-uhns] – Authorization given by air traffic control to an aircraft for a specific action, such as takeoff, landing, or change of altitude.
- Aviation Radio [ey-vee-ey-shuhn rey-dee-oh] – The radio frequency band used for aviation communication between pilots and air traffic control.
- ATIS [ey-tis] – Automatic Terminal Information Service, a continuous broadcast of essential information for pilots in a specific area.
- Squawk [skwok] – To set a specific four-digit code on an aircraft’s transponder for identification purposes.
- Unicom [yoo-ni-kom] – A non-towered airport communication frequency where pilots can communicate with each other.
Airport Facilities
- Control Tower [kuhn-trohl tawr] – A tall structure at an airport from which air traffic controllers observe and direct aircraft movements.
- Customs [kuhs-tuhms] – The area at an airport where customs officers inspect and process incoming and outgoing passengers, baggage, and cargo.
- Hangar [hang-er] – A large enclosed structure at an airport where aircraft are stored, repaired, or maintained.
Aviation Medical Terms
- Hypoxia [hahy-pok-see-uh] – A condition caused by insufficient oxygen supply to the body’s tissues, often experienced at high altitudes.
- Decompression Sickness [dee-kom-presh-uhn sik-nis] – A condition resulting from a rapid decrease in air pressure, often encountered during high-altitude flying or scuba diving.
- Motion Sickness [moh-shuhn sik-nis] – A condition characterized by nausea, dizziness, and vomiting, often experienced during turbulent flights.
Aircraft Design
- Winglet [wing-let] – A small, upward-angled extension at the tip of an aircraft’s wing, reducing drag and improving fuel efficiency.
- Canard [kuh-nahrd] – A small wing-like structure located at the front of an aircraft, providing additional lift or control.
- Swept Wing [swept wing] – A wing design in which the leading edge is angled backward, reducing drag and increasing speed.
Aviation Fuel
- Jet A [jet ey] – A type of aviation fuel commonly used by jet aircraft.
- Avgas [av-gas] – Aviation gasoline used in piston-engine aircraft.
- Fuel Farm [fyool fahrm] – A facility at an airport where aviation fuel is stored in large tanks and distributed to aircraft as needed.
Aviation Accidents and Incidents
- Bird Strike [burd strahyk] – A collision between an aircraft and one or more birds during flight, potentially causing damage to the aircraft.
- Runway Incursion [ruhn-wey in-kur-zhuhn] – An event where an aircraft or vehicle enters a runway without authorization, posing a potential collision risk.
- Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) [kuhn-trohld flahyt in-too tuh-reyn] – An aviation accident that occurs when an aircraft, under pilot control, inadvertently flies into the ground or an obstacle.
Air Traffic Control & Services
- Radar [rey-dahr] – A system that uses radio waves to detect and track aircraft for air traffic control purposes.
- Approach Control [uh-prohch kuhn-trohl] – The air traffic control facility responsible for managing the arrival and departure of aircraft in the vicinity of an airport.
- Tower Controller [taw-er kuhn-troh-ler] – An air traffic controller stationed in the control tower who provides guidance and instructions to aircraft on the airport surface.
- Approach Control [uh-prohch kuhn-trohl] – The air traffic control facility responsible for managing the arrival and departure of aircraft in the vicinity of an airport.
- Ground Control [ground kuhn-trohl] – The air traffic control unit responsible for controlling aircraft movements on the airport surface, including taxiing and parking.
- Enroute Control [en-root kuhn-trohl] – The air traffic control service responsible for managing aircraft in controlled airspace between departure and arrival airports.
Aviation Weather
- METAR [mee-tahr] – Meteorological Aerodrome Report, a coded weather report that provides current weather conditions at an airport.
- TAF [taf] – Terminal Aerodrome Forecast, a weather forecast specifically for an airport, providing information about expected conditions.
- Turbulence [tur-byuh-luhns] – Rapid and irregular movement of air that can cause instability or discomfort during a flight.
Aviation Navigation & Technology
- GPS [jee-pee-es] – Global Positioning System, a satellite-based navigation system used to determine precise location and timing information.
- Waypoint [wey-point] – A specified location along a flight route used for navigation and guidance during flight.
- NDB [en-dee-bee] – Non-Directional Beacon, a ground-based radio transmitter that provides navigational aid by transmitting a signal in all directions.
- Fly-by-Wire [flahy-bahy-wahy-er] – A flight control system that replaces conventional mechanical controls with electronic signals.
- Head-Up Display (HUD) [hed-uhp dis-play] – A transparent display that presents essential flight information directly in the pilot’s line of sight.
- Synthetic Vision System (SVS) [sin-thet-ik vizh-uhn sis-tem] – A technology that uses computer-generated graphics to simulate real-world terrain and provide enhanced situational awareness.
Aviation Regulations
- Air Traffic Control (ATC) [air traf-ik kuhn-trohl] – The service responsible for ensuring the safe and orderly flow of air traffic in controlled airspace.
- Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) [in-struh-muhnt flahyt roolz] – The regulations and procedures for flying an aircraft solely by reference to instruments.
- Runway Incursion [ruhn-wey in-kur-zhuhn] – An incident where an aircraft, vehicle, or person enters a runway without authorization, posing a collision risk.
- Airworthiness [air-wurth-ee-ness] – The condition of an aircraft, engine, or component that meets the requirements for safe flight.
- NOTAM [noh-tam] – Notice to Airmen, a notification containing important information about changes in aviation conditions, procedures, or hazards.
- Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) [air-uh-naw-ti-kuh l in-fer-mey-shuhn pub-li-key-shuhn] – A publication containing comprehensive aeronautical information for a specific country or region.
- Air Traffic Separation [air traf-ik sep-uh-rey-shuhn] – The minimum distance or time required between aircraft to ensure safe separation in the air.
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) [fed-er-uhl ey-vee-ey-shuhn ad-min-uh-strey-shuhn] – The regulatory body governing civil aviation in the United States.
- International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) [in-ter-nash-uh-nl siv-il ey-vee-ey-shuhn or-guh-nuh-zey-shuhn] – A specialized agency of the United Nations that sets international standards and regulations for aviation.
- Air Operator Certificate (AOC) [air op-uh-rey-ter sur-tif-i-kit] – A certification issued by a regulatory authority allowing an operator to conduct commercial air transportation.
- Flight Data Recorder (FDR) [flahyt dey-tuh ri-kawr-der] – A device installed on aircraft that records flight data, including altitude, airspeed, and control inputs.
- Aviation Law [ey-vee-ey-shuhn law] – The body of laws and regulations governing aviation activities, including safety, security, and liability.
- Aircraft Registration [air-kraft rej-uh-strey-shuhn] – The process of officially recording an aircraft with a regulatory authority, indicating its ownership and nationality.
- Flight Duty Time [flahyt doo-tee tahym] – The maximum period of time a flight crew member is allowed to be on duty, including flight time and rest periods.
- Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC) [air op-uh-rey-terz sur-tif-i-kit] – A document issued by a regulatory authority to an airline, permitting it to operate commercial air services.
- Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) [ih-mur-juhn-see loh-key-ter trans-mit-er] – A device installed in aircraft to transmit a distress signal in the event of an emergency.
Aviation Insurance
- Hull Insurance [huhl in-shoor-uhns] – Insurance coverage that protects the aircraft itself against physical damage or loss.
- Liability Insurance [lahy-uh-bil-i-tee in-shoor-uhns] – Insurance coverage that protects against claims for injury or damage caused by an aircraft or its operation.
- War Risk Insurance [wawr risk in-shoor-uhns] – Insurance coverage that provides protection against losses resulting from war or acts of terrorism.
Aviation Personnel
- Air Traffic Controller [air traf-ik kuhn-troh-ler] – A professional responsible for directing and monitoring the movement of aircraft in controlled airspace.
- Flight Attendant [flahyt uh-ten-duhnt] – A cabin crew member who ensures the safety and comfort of passengers during a flight.
- Aircraft Dispatcher [air-kraft dis-pach-er] – An aviation professional who assists in flight planning and ensures compliance with regulations and safety procedures.
Aviation Safety
- Runway Safety Area [ruhn-wey sey-fee ar-ee-uh] – A defined area surrounding a runway designed to reduce the risk of damage to aircraft in the event of an overrun or excursion.
- Safety Management System (SMS) [sey-fee man-ij-muhnt sis-tem] – A systematic approach to managing safety in aviation, involving risk assessment, safety policies, and continuous monitoring.
- Emergency Exit Row [ih-mur-juhn-see ek-sit roh] – A row of seats on an aircraft located next to an emergency exit, where passengers are required to assist in an evacuation if necessary.
Aircraft Systems
- Autopilot [aw-toh-pahy-luht] – A system that automatically controls the trajectory and attitude of an aircraft, relieving the pilot of manual control.
- Hydraulic System [hahy-draw-lik sis-tem] – A system that uses fluid pressure to operate aircraft components, such as landing gear and flight controls.
- Electrical System [ih-lek-tri-kuhl sis-tem] – The network of electrical components and wiring that provides power and controls various systems and equipment on an aircraft.
By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you are one step closer to becoming a knowledgeable and informed participant in the aviation community. Whether you aspire to pursue a career in aviation, wish to engage in aviation-related discussions, or simply want to satisfy your curiosity, this newfound understanding will undoubtedly serve you well.
The aviation industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies, regulations, and practices emerging. It is essential to stay curious and continue learning to stay abreast of the latest developments. By keeping your finger on the pulse of the industry and staying engaged, you will enhance your understanding and appreciation of this remarkable field.
To send your feedback, suggestions, or requests for including new words in our civil aviation industry terms dictionary, please comment below or reach out to us on LinkedIn at BusinessTenet.
Definitions and pronunciations are for informational purposes only and may slightly for different contexts or regions.
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Abhishek is a computer science graduate. He was too scared of programming so he pursued MBA. He then joined a management consulting firm but soon realised that without any real world and technical experience, consulting wasn’t real.
So he joined a bicycle manufacturing company as a marketing manager. There he got into the nitty-gritties of cycling and learned all about manufacturing, sales & distribution. But soon, things got too easy, so he quit and joined a media conglomerate, which would later give him and his wife the idea for SAM, their digital media business. His heart was still in cycling, so he rejoined the cycling company as product manager, which he truly aspired for. He got selected for a company sponsored executive MBA program at IIM-A, only to realise that it would make everybody around him jealous.
That sent him working in other business areas like corporate strategy, precision steel tube, exports, etc. After COVID-19 and becoming a father of twin children, he was made to quit. So he finally got the guts to leave the job-life once and for all, and run the media business he helped start.
Today he’s the co-founder of a media business along with his pretty wife and also runs his investment fund. He is interested in writing about topics that no one wants to touch or discuss. Over the years Abhishek has come to realise how lucky and immature he has been and wants to repay the world with good karma.
He’s used to be passionate cyclist and participated in several competitive events, as of now he’s procrastinating to get back on to his bike’s saddle again. He also has interests are in behavioral psychology, economics, stock valuations and chess.